Labour group Amendment


Covid 19 ARG Grants for Business Update

That an addition be made to recommendation 2.2, as shown in bold italics below.


2.1 That members note the progress being made to administer the £8.401m
      Additional restrictions grants, under delegated powers, relating to period from 5 
      November 2020 to 31 March 2021.

2.2 That members agree to delegate authority to the Executive Director Economy,  
      Environment & Culture, in consultation with the Acting Chief Finance Officer and
      recognised representatives of the business community
, to determine the criteria
      and agree processes for issuing the Additional Restrictions Grants using the top-up
      that government will issue in April, taking account of the need to issue the grants as
      quickly as possible to assist with reopening of businesses.

Proposed by: Cllr Platts                                         Seconded by: Cllr Allcock



Recommendations to read if carried:

2.1 That members note the progress being made to administer the £8.401m
      Additional restrictions grants, under delegated powers, relating to period from 5 
      November 2020 to 31 March 2021.

2.2 That members agree to delegate authority to the Executive Director Economy,  
      Environment & Culture, in consultation with the Acting Chief Finance Officer and
      recognised representatives of the business community, to determine the criteria
      and agree processes for issuing the Additional Restrictions Grants using the top-up
      that government will issue in April, taking account of the need to issue the grants as
      quickly as possible to assist with reopening of businesses.